*************************************CALL BLOCKER*********************************Call Blocker application blocks the unwanted call from strangers.Call Blocker is constantly working in the background, to block unwanted calls.You can either block numbers from your contacts list, calls, and call logs, or add them manually. Numbers from the blacklist are blocked quietly. Whatever you do, you will not be distracted by phone calls.The Call Blocker application save all blocks numbers in its log and you see list in anytime.******************Feature**********************1.You can block Number from your contact number list.2.You can block number from your Call Log list and add in block list.3. Call blocker application provide you to block number in manual add in block list.4. You can see all block number list in this application.5. This application running in background and block number until you disable or uninstall this application.6. You can Remove number in this list simply long tab on Block number and a message appear to conformation your order, =============================================================================**************************POWERED BY APP-MENIA**************************************=============================================================================